In Memory
It was just about now, 1030 am on October 10, 1994 when my Brother in Law, Gib, called me; I was stationed at Ft. Rucker Alabama. I thought it was to tell me of my parents 40th wedding anniversary plans and how I could help out with any surprises. Instead I was informed that the Emergency Crew had just taken my Dad to the hospital and that Gib had been performing CPR for the last 10 to 15 minutes...
Mom wasn't feeling that well in the morning so Dad had went on to church without her. He was a Deacon and some maintenance needed to be preformed at the church. He worked there fixing things in his usual ways with plenty of logic and duct tape. He change out some ceiling burnt out light bulbs in the sanctuary with his rickety 40 foot ladder that no one else in the church trusted let alone would perch themselves that high off the ground without a net. He swept the front walk, trimmed bushes, washed windows and did what ever else needed to be done; smiling all the while working for the church and the members of the congregation was one of his biggest joys.
He returned home; Mom was still lying down so he started in on the housework getting it ready for the family and friends that would be dropping by throughout the day congratulating them on 40 years of love. He was vacuuming the living room floor as my Mom walked out to meet Gib (we always meet our guests as they arrive with warm loving hugs) as he pulled into the driveway with the extra folding chairs for the gathering later in the evening. My Mom and Gib found him lying on the living room floor, unresponsive, he was already talking to God.
The hospital did there best to bring him back to us, but the trail was cold and heaven needed him more than us, though it still doesn't sit well with me or any of my family. He was (and is) the one I confided in the most. We were the best of friends and I valued his counsel above all others. The cut across my heart bleeds daily with the missing of him in my physical life. I still talk to him everyday and at times I can almost hear an answer inside my head if not my heart. It's been 14 years almost to the minute since I found out he was gone. My life changed on that day more than any other time so far. It feels like yesterday and it still hurts.
Peace be with you Dad, you are still loved and always will be...
At 12:48 PM ,
Unknown said...
Wow, Jon thanks for sharing about "Uncle Don". Don and Peg lovingly created Liz's doll house for Cindy and G.Mike's birthday gift to Liz. I am so glad I had the pleasure of meeting him- such a sense of humor....
Jan, The First (cuz-in-law)
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