Men - Remember the Iceberg
So as to not give away any future writings, here is a list of things you can do that will always produce a sweet smile from your lady or from a woman you want to apply for the title. Also if the women in your lives know that you have read this they will not mind that anything that is listed is not your idea because you will have to take the time in doing the action AND you will be thinking of them as you complete the task. You can also do anyone task multiple times...
Flowers - it doesn't matter if it is one, a small bunch, and huge bouquet, home grown, picked flowering weeds, cut flowers or those in a pot. They will know that whatever you are doing to get the flowers you are thinking of them. The are also bragging rights to the ladies friends and family and score major points in all areas.
Compliments - you need to notice their hair, make-up, clothes, SHOES (most women spend a great deal of time and money on them), perfume, eyes, their smile, the way they walk (nice butt does not cut it). You need to say something nice about them everyday you see them. EVERY TIME
Gifts - now I know what you're thinking that you can't afford much. That's the beauty of it, gifts do not have to cost much or anything at all. Remember it's not the gift but that you are thinking of them that wins them over. You can wrap up her favorite chocolate bar (if you don't know it ask her) in a sheet of her favorite Sunday comics. You can use crayons or colored markers and create a "card" for her just saying anything i.e. "I miss you", "You make my day", "Let's go for a walk", use the "L" word if applicable. You can give her written IOU's for just about anything. People in general love gifts and women love the unexpected gift. When you have money go to odd lots and stock up on "cute" dollar items;give her a box of items wrapped with either a date or day on them so she can open one each day (this is great for business trips when you are away). DO NOT buy stuff for her to wear for you. Save those buying trips for when you are shopping together. Again all of this let's her know that you are thinking of her whether or not she is with you at the moment.
Cards - send her a "Hallmark" type of card at least once a month; yes even if you are married or living together. Most of the guys I know let the women get the mail, so this is a perfect time to let them know you have been thinking about them away from home. The card does the hard part for most of us it does the writing, all we have to do is sign it. It's also a great way to give her gift cards or a movie/show ticket; or ask her out on a date.
ALWAYS OPEN DOORS FOR HER. ALL THE DOORS i.e. the car door both when she is getting in the car AND when she is getting out of the car. Have her wait for you to open the door. Always open the door to an establishment for her. ALWAYS OFFER TO CARRY HER BAGS when shopping. ALWAYS drop her off at the front of the store when it's raining or cold (this is when you can forgo opening the door) and then go get the car when you are leaving the building.
Read the BLOG entries "You are" and say similar things to her...if you don't mean what you are saying then don't say it. Say something that you feel so she can see it on your face.
Why did I title this "Remember the Iceberg"? It has nothing to do with temperature. It is because what ever amount that they (women) allow us to view, over 90% of what they are is hidden beneath the surface. Just like icebergs. It's the hidden part that gets you into trouble, it's the hidden part that requires the most thought, it's the hidden part that we want to experience, it's the hidden part that can destroy the bond, the hidden part is the gift that they give the one they love.
Remember the Iceberg!
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